Metro Dental Care Brockport dentist,Dental exam Supporting Local Dentists for Your Needed Exams Help You Contribute to Your Community

Supporting Local Dentists for Your Needed Exams Help You Contribute to Your Community



Family owned businesses are at the heart of the nation’s economy. From family dentistry offices to clothing boutiques, small businesses in America help keep the country’s economy going strong. When was the last time that you visited a small business in your community? Since everyone has to go to the dentist anyway, why not make sure that you are contributing to the nation’s small businesses while you are doing so.

Finding the right dentist is just one example of how many Americans can make sure that they help others while also helping themselves. Although going to the dentist is not on everyone’s list of favorite things to do, it is an important way to make sure that you are in the best oral hygiene condition no mater what you age.

Family dentists provide everything from dental exams that are needed once or twice a year, as well as dental implants and tooth whitening services. Consider some of these facts and figures about the dental services that are part of the nation’s economy:

  • 82.5% of people indicate that they saw a noticeable difference after having their teeth whitened by a dentist.
  • 47.2% of adults who are 30 years and older have some form of periodontal disease.
  • 40% of children have dental cavities by the time they enter kindergarten.
  • 74% of adults indicate that they feel an unattractive smile can hurt their career success.
  • 25% of American adults indicate that they avoid smiling because of the poor condition of their teeth and mouth.
  • Studies show that dental implants have a success rate as high as 98%.
  • 20% of Americans has one or more untreated cavities. Unfortunately, the poorer someone is, the more likely they are to be one of the untreated 20%, at least among adults.
  • Children with poor oral health are three times more likely to miss school because of dental pain than students who have great oral health.

Every time that you go to the dentist and every time that you go shopping, you have a decision to make. You can either make a decision that allows you support a local business. By visiting a local family dentistry office, for instance, you can make sure that all of the money that you spend stays in the community where you live. As another advantage, small family owned businesses are often able to provide a more personalized service. The next time that you are looking for a way to support your community, remember to go local.

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