Metro Dental Care Home Safety Tips At Your Local Dentist Office

Safety Tips At Your Local Dentist Office


During the COVID-19 epidemic, Damascus Dental Group is one of many important companies in Montgomery County that must follow CDC and state-mandated requirements.

Despite the fact that the facility was closed in mid-March when the health issue first hit this area, they have been working hard to renovate the office to keep patients and workers safe. One of the numerous changes the dental office has in place as they phase reopening and gradually begin to see more patients over the following few weeks is the installation of a plastic glass barrier at the front desk.

It is essential that a local dentist promotes the safety of his employees and patients. In this video, Dr. Sanjay Rajani, a local dentist, and owner of Damascus Dental Group talked about safety measures in his dental office that help prevent the spread of the virus.

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Here are some of the safety tips at the local dentist office:

  • The use of protective equipment such as barrier gowns, gloves, masks, and eyewear, with the same pair of gloves or masks never being used on different patients.
  • Handwashing procedures should be followed before and after each patient visit.
  • One patient at a time at the office
  • All patients must wash their hands properly or use hand sanitizer before entering the office.
  • Non-disposable instrument sterilization processes and guaranteeing that disposable products are never re-used. Disinfection of all surfaces, with protective covers and barriers placed over select equipment.
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